It is a known fact that applying for a foreign jobs visa is highly dependent on the visa rules of the respective country you are going to apply for. There are so many ways to apply for foreign jobs and one of them is through online job portals, job posts, etc. If you send multiple e-mails to HR of various companies, chances are you will receive positive responses from some of them. But the difficulty remains that they may not be ready to sponsor your visa.


Every country has its own norm of providing jobs and visas to foreigners. It is always a good idea to comply with their requirements and then start looking for recruitment/visa agencies that can help you better.


  1. Recruitment Solutions Agency

The most important and foremost factor to look into is to search for a recruitment agency in India. They will ease out the process of applying for your job visa. They not only help in processing your visa but also look for a suitable job for you if you haven’t found one.


  1. Submit All Authentic Documents

It is crucial to submit all the necessary and authentic documents. This way the chances of cancellation of disapproval are less or standstill.


  1. Medical Examination

One might have to pass the medical examination to apply for a work visa in some of the countries. The rules are strict therefore you need to keep up with the best of health if you plan to work away from your motherland.


  1. Application Fees

The fees for work permit varies from country to country. A certain amount needs to be paid to apply for a job visa. Further details can be taken from recruitment agencies in Mumbai.


  1. Processing Time

If you apply for a job visa yourself online, it may take longer. For speedy and hassle-free procedures one can always contact their recruitment agencies. It also depends on the country from where you are applying.